Monday, July 15, 2019


Life is not a fairy tale.  If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re drunk.

If women are upset at Trump’s naughty words, who in the hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?

Jim Comey answered, “I don’t know,” “I don’t recall,” and “I don’t remember” 236 times while under oath.  But he remembered enough to write a book.

President Trump should nominate Hillary Clinton for the next opening on the supreme court. Then he can finally get her investigated.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal.

No Border Walls. No voter ID laws.  You figured it out yet?

Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege.

SOCIALISM: An idea that is so good that it has to be mandatory Bernie Sanders walks into a bar and yells... “Free drinks for everyone!” looks around and says “Who’s buying?”

What is the difference between an Illegal immigrant and E.T.?  E.T. learned to speak English and went home.

And just like that they went from being against foreign interference in our elections to allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections.

Watching the left come up with schemes to “catch Trump” is like watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

President Trump’s wall cost less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in, America.

We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun  confiscation, and full term abortion nationally. We are fighting evil.

They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi.

60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

Russia and other foreign countries donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign, but they donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Yet Trump was the one investigated!

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in.

A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint ... Yet!

How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy.

Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones To get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office.

I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States of America.

The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low.

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher

Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings.

Trump — They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way.


Life is not a fairy tale.  If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re drunk.

If women are upset at Trump’s naughty words, who in the hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?

Jim Comey answered, “I don’t know,” “I don’t recall,” and “I don’t remember” 236 times while under oath.  But he remembered enough to write a book.

President Trump should nominate Hillary Clinton for the next opening on the supreme court. Then he can finally get her investigated.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal.

No Border Walls. No voter ID laws.  You figured it out yet?

Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege.

SOCIALISM: An idea that is so good that it has to be mandatory Bernie Sanders walks into a bar and yells... “Free drinks for everyone!” looks around and says “Who’s buying?”

What is the difference between an Illegal immigrant and E.T.?  E.T. learned to speak English and went home.

And just like that they went from being against foreign interference in our elections to allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections.

Watching the left come up with schemes to “catch Trump” is like watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

President Trump’s wall cost less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in, America.

We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun  confiscation, and full term abortion nationally. We are fighting evil.

They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi.

60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

Russia and other foreign countries donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign, but they donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Yet Trump was the one investigated!

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in.

A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint ... Yet!

How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy.

Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones To get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office.

I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States of America.

The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low.

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher

Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings.

Trump — They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way.

Friday, May 25, 2018

A reminder. I am not the author of this list. The words below are not mine.
Between 65, 70, or 75 and …
Many of us are between 65 and the end of our life.  An old friend sent me this excellent list for aging, and, I have to agree it’s good advice to follow….
  1. It’s time to use the money you saved up. Use it and enjoy it. Don’t just keep it for those who may have no notion of the sacrifices you made to get it. Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son or daughter-in-law with big ideas for your hard-earned capital. Warning: This is also a bad time for investments, even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof. They only bring problems and worries. This is a time for you to enjoy some peace and quiet.
  2. Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren, and don’t feel bad spending your money on yourself. You’ve taken care of them for many years, and you’ve taught them what you could. You gave them an education, food, shelter and support. The responsibility is now theirs to earn their own money.
  3. Keep a healthy life, without great physical effort. Do moderate exercise (like walking every day), eat well and get your sleep. It’s easy to become sick, and it gets harder to remain healthy. That is why you need to keep yourself in good shape and be aware of your medical and physical needs. Keep in touch with your doctor, do tests even when you’re feeling well. Stay informed.
  4. Always buy the best, most beautiful items for your significant other. The key goal is to enjoy your money with your partner. One day one of you will miss the other, and the money will not provide any comfort then, enjoy it together.
  5. Don’t stress over the little things. You’ve already overcome so much in your life. You have good memories and bad ones, but the important thing is the present. Don’t let the past drag you down and don’t let the future frighten you. Feel good in the now. Small issues will soon be forgotten.
  6. Regardless of age, always keep love alive. Senior Love. Love your partner, love life, love your family, love your neighbor and remember: “A man is not old as long as he has intelligence and affection.”
  7. Be proud, both inside and out. Don’t stop going to your hair salon or barber, do your nails, go to the dermatologist and the dentist, keep your perfumes and creams well stocked. When you are well-maintained on the outside, it seeps in, making you feel proud and strong.
  8. Don’t lose sight of fashion trends for your age, but keep your own sense of style. There’s nothing worse than an older person trying to wear the current fashion among youngsters. You’ve developed your own sense of what looks good on you – keep it and be proud of it. It’s part of who you are.
  9. ALWAYS stay up-to-date. Read newspapers, watch the news. Go online and read what people are saying. Make sure you have an active email account and try to use some of those social networks. You’ll be surprised what old friends you’ll meet. Keeping in touch with what is going on and with the people you know is important at any age.
  10. Respect the younger generation and their opinions. They may not have the same ideals as you, but they are the future, and will take the world in their direction. Give advice, not criticism, and try to remind them that yesterday’s wisdom still applies today.
  11. Never use the phrase: “In my time.” Your time is now. As long as you’re alive, you are part of this time. You may have been younger, but you are still you now, having fun and enjoying life.
  12. Some people embrace their golden years, while others become bitter and surly. Life is too short to waste your days on the latter. Spend your time with positive, cheerful people, it’ll rub off on you and your days will seem that much better. Spending your time with bitter people will make you older and harder to be around.
  13. Do not surrender to the temptation of living with your children or grandchildren (if you have a financial choice, that is). Sure, being surrounded by family sounds great, but we all need our privacy. They need theirs and you need yours. If you’ve lost your partner (our deepest condolences), then find a person to move in with you and help out. Even then, do so only if you feel you really need the help or do not want to live alone.
  14. Don’t abandon your hobbies. If you don’t have any, make new ones. You can travel, hike, cook, read, dance. You can adopt a cat or a dog, grow a garden, play cards, checkers, chess, dominoes, golf. You can paint, volunteer or just collect certain items. Find something you like and spend some real time having fun with it.
  15. Even if you don’t feel like it, try to accept invitations. Baptisms, graduations, birthdays, weddings, conferences. Try to go. Get out of the house, meet people you haven’t seen in a while, experience something new (or something old). Senior social interaction. But don’t get upset when you’re not invited. Some events are limited by resources, and not everyone can be hosted. The important thing is to leave the house from time to time. Go to museums, go walk through a field. Get out there.
  16. Be a conversationalist. Talk less and listen more. Some people go on and on about the past, not caring if their listeners are really interested. That’s a great way of reducing their desire to speak with you. Listen first and answer questions, but don’t go off into long stories unless asked to. Speak in courteous tones and try not to complain or criticize too much unless you really need to. Try to accept situations as they are. Everyone is going through the same things, and people have a low tolerance for hearing complaints. Always find some good things to say as well.
  17. Pain and discomfort go hand in hand with getting older. Try not to dwell on them but accept them as a part of the cycle of life we’re all going through. Try to minimize them in your mind. They are not who you are, they are something that life added to you. If they become your entire focus, you lose sight of the person you used to be.
  18. If you’ve been offended by someone – forgive them. If you’ve offended someone – apologize. Don’t drag around resentment with you. It only serves to make you sad and bitter. It doesn’t matter who was right. Someone once said: “Holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Don’t take that poison. Forgive, forget and move on with your life.
  19. If you have a strong belief, savor it. But don’t waste your time trying to convince others. They will make their own choices no matter what you tell them, and it will only bring you frustration. Live your faith and set an example. Live true to your beliefs and let that memory sway them.
  20. Laugh. Laugh A LOT. Laugh at everything. Remember, you are one of the lucky ones. You managed to have a life, a long one. Many never get to this age, never get to experience a full life. But you did. So what’s not to laugh about? Find the humor in your situation.
  21. Take no notice of what others say about you and even less notice of what they might be thinking. They’ll do it anyway, and you should have pride in yourself and what you’ve achieved. Let them talk and don’t worry. They have no idea about your history, your memories and the life you’ve lived so far. There’s still much to be written, so get busy writing and don’t waste time thinking about what others might think. Now is the time to be at rest, at peace and as happy as you can be!
AND, REMEMBER: “Life is too short to drink bad wine!!”

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I would like to share with you the lessons by a 90 year old man:) Feel free to spread this around with your friends and family.

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for things that matter.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye… But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful.  Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to be happy.  But it’s all up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words, ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose Life.
28. Forgive but don’t forget.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give Time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d
grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you think you need.
42. The best is yet to come…
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

To Your Success,

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

01 August 2016

Wales: Imam says it's ok to have female slaves and rape them

An Imam has told his congregation in Wales that war is approaching and Islam allows them to take women as slaves and rape them.

Again with rape and Muslims...

What is it with these goat-farkers that all they think about is sex? They are the first to declare they are pure and above every other religion, but they can't stop talking about sex, rape and homosexuality. 

There is a school of thought that Islam is the home of homosexuality. What they preach most against, is what they practice in private. I tend to agree. Boys are routinely sexually abused by older Muslim males in communities; then these males grow up and repeat the cycle. To them it is normal behaviour. It's not "true" homosexuality, you understand, but culturally acceptable practices...... 

In Afghanistan, young boys dressed as females dance for older Muslim males. Goodness knows what happens to these boys at the end of the dancing.... The practice of sexual perversion with these boys is known as bacha bazi. Of course, the media in the West refuses to highlight this child abuse in Muslim countries - to them it's cultural and not actual sexual abuse. 

But, if that practice was done by White males, then that would be child abuse, you understand....

It's called double standards. The White Christian race is held to a much higher standard compared to other races and religions. It's all part of the cultural Marxist grand plan to destroy Western civilisation. Their main attack is to force draconian cultures, religions and 3rd world races onto White populations around the world. 

Whites are not allowed to have peaceful, homogeneous societies these days. That would be racist. 

This Marxist grand plan is known as 'multi-culturalism'.

It's been a abject failure, of course. You simply can't expect people from backward cultures to magically assimilate into more mature and superior cultures. That's why the Marxist's haven't forced these people to assimilate - instead they allow them to form their own ghetto's within the host country, and then blame the host culture for not doing more to assimilate the barbarians. 

Then they take money from the hosts to pay for the support of the invading barbarians - who will eventually end up out-breeding and race-replacing them. Quite a scheme.... and scam. And all the while, the host population has to lower their standards, expectations, way of life, and cultural identity, to embrace the invaders. And put up with the extra crime, rape and death.

So, the Imam is correct. War is coming. A cultural war. Maybe a second Crusade. A war where the White race will be forced to stand up for their people, or die-off. Oh the horror! But this time, there are no brave White males, selling off their lands and assets to go join the Crusades and fight for their religion and way of life, and protect their women-folk. 

These days, Europe is full of atheist effeminate girly-boys preaching kumbaya, ready to willingly lie and die on the altar of political correctness. 

How the mighty have fallen. Europe is losing to the Muslims. The continual onslaught is having an effect. Just the other day, after 84 people were mowed down by an Islamic goat-farker in Nice, the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that France is going to have to live with terrorism. 

In other words, France has imported the problem, forced it on the French people, and now they will have to live with the results caused by government...

Merkel last week said that, despite all the unhappiness of the German citizens with the invasion of 2+ million Muslims into Germany over the last year and a half, Germany needs to keep importing the filthy vermin. Merkel, the previous East German gestapo member, has waited for years to destroy Germany. This idiot should have been stopped in her traitorous tracks months ago - instead, the German people worry about their reputation, and guilt linking back to their Nazi-Hitler days. 

It's amazing to see. Such an intelligent people paralysed by political correctness. A German family member living in the country said to me the other day that they know Merkel is doing wrong, but they don't want to replace her because she's done a lot of good for Germany....

Yes, that is the level of stupidity in Germany these days. They will tolerate their leader destroying the country, because she once did something good. It's like saying that you like your murderer, because he once fed you....

So it is no wonder why these Imams dare to stand up in Western countries and preach about slavery and rape of White woman. They know they have nothing to fear from the quivering Europeans. Muslims don't respect us because we don't respect ourselves. We would rather attack our own people for calling out political correctness, rather than attack the core issue. 

We would rather blame girls for being raped, rather than the rapist, because you may offend the rapist.

That is the new normal for our White societies. We have allowed the cultural Marxists living among us, to destroy our souls, our sense of self, and our self-respect. We have allowed these traitors to infiltrate our media, schools and other government-controlled institutions. 

We have allowed them to dictate to us how we should live, how we should think, and what we should believe. We have given them power over us.  

They have gladly built our coffins and are busy honing the final nails.  

And we have allowed them - out of fear.

So, that's where we are. Do not be surprised one day to wake up and see our Western females wearing the hijab. Just so they can leave their homes in safety. As is already happening in Sweden. 

Do not be surprised when you wake up one day and your local church is a mosque. 

Because, remember - when people leave Christianity, as has been encouraged for decades now, a vacuum is formed and that vacuum must be filled. Islam is that vacuum-filler. Our societies have been convinced by the cultural Marxists that God is a myth - just an imaginary pixie in the sky. What we have failed to remember, is that Christianity served a vital role in civilising our societies. It did more good than bad - contrary to popular belief. It helped our societies become cohesive, safe and civil -and gave us laws to live by - and without that common bond, we have nothing gluing us together.

That is why wherever Christianity fails, the underworld takes over. Abortions, sexual freedom, perversion, disrespectful youth.....follow.

United we stand, divided we fall. 

And that, dear children, is why Islam is winning. They are strong and united against our godless communities, and they will prevail.

And that is the END!



Ever wonder why Republicans want voter ID?
I thought you might find this interesting. I sure did!
Next time you hear Hillary, or any other Democrat, ranting about Republicans wanting to disenfranchise minorities by requiring voter ID, keep the following in mind
* In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility)
* In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (Another statistical impossibility).
* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters .
* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.
* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.
* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout .
* In one Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters .
NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote .